I am Going To show way of earn money online which is real or fact so before know about who can earn money online first you know which person has ability to more spread knowledge and learn to other person or which one has more knowledge the you can earn money online, rockmoney, computer trick.
Super Idea and best site for earn money
1. BLOG:- More people think about blogger and blogger is also easy maximum people start blogging but 70% people has failed in blogger because his blog has not rank on Google so basically more people leave blogging but 30% people what are thinking which is successful in blog now I am feeling you that not leave blogging be carefully listen 1 years time spent based on Google policy those people failure which is don't know about Google policy, SEO, traffic, how to gain traffic on blog so come to the point you start the blogging and spent only daily 2 hour in your hole time.
Proper way to blogging:- What is your knowledge if you are electrician, web designer, android developer, plumber, cook, everything which is you know and learn to other person.
Such as proper way to suppose you are android developer so you can start blogging and write about only one topic daily such as "how to make web to android app" so you will post this topic and leave after tomorrow again you post another topic maximum 1 year spent step by step you becomes successful blogger.
2. YOUTUBE:- If you want to youtuber and you thinking about video ranking, subscriber increase it's not matter bro you don't think about views, like, subscribe just you think what I will show on youtube and how?
"Jis din ye soch liya na bhai ki youtube pe kya dikhau, kaise dikhau us din mujhe yaad karna"
If you are making videos in proper way when youtube automatically will gain your channel,
Proper way to make videos:- First You can make thumbnail based on your topic which one is you want to show on youtube, second according to thumbnail make videos not a thumbnail is another topic and videos is another topic so make video from HD quality and best video, after title, description, and tag it's most important after making this thing you can publish your video on youtube but listen daily 2-3 videos post after 6 months your channel will start gain your requirements like, views, subscribe.
3. FACEBBOOK:- Facebook is also like youtube first go to Facebook Business Creator Studio and log-in from your page here most if you don't have page so first make the page after log-in to business account after log-in you which video make for youtube that video you post on facebook you can start earn money.
4. AFFILIATION:- Here many site of afflicted programme but I will say always use ecommerce site like Amazon affiate, flipkart affiliate these two site is very popular in the world and give more commision first you have to create account at Amazon affiliate site and log-in after you create product link copy and paste in your blogger site here 10 point I will show these points is connected each one to another you can not only one point you can start blogging so I will say all point will be work so basically all thing is coonected each other, you can copy the link and paste on your blog after posting the page when anybody buy any product than amzon will pay you your commission.
5. ANDROID APP:- If you are android developer than make an android app make simple app like web to app, image viewer, video Player, etc. After making the app you will be buy Google play console service which is in 25$ after payments you can publish your app on Google play console and during make the app you will be add adsense admob account needs for showing ads you will search on Google "adsense" create your account from your blogger after create the adsense account after you can left sidebar option "Admob" you also create the admob account and create ad unit but after publish your app so publish your app on Google play console.
6. FREELANCER:- You can earn money from freelancer if you know data entry, web designing, web developer, android developer, any clasess like developer class so on so, than post your skills at freelancing and you won the chanse to win project so you will earn money.
7. FIVER:- Fiver is also like freelancer so know how to post skill firsh here only can join those people which one has data entry skills.
8. OWN ONLINE BUSINESS:- If you are setup your business only online service like, home servise, home delivery, home cleaning, etc than you can earn money from this platform and you don't finance for setup this business then take loan and than open I will sure that many people work like that business, home servise repaire home appliance, or large appliance like TV, fan, ac, cooler, refregrator, bike, car, massage, cleaning everything.
9. SELLER:- If you are open a shop of any like electronic, plumbing, garments, shoes sleeper, cosmetics etc than you will be start online seller which one is the best selling platform than two Amazon, flipkart go to seller Amazon and create account after you sale your item on amazone you can earn more money
10. PROVIDE SERVICE:- Here service proved means online home tution like only computer class, basic computer, c++, Java, HTML, php, etc and keep minimum amounts of your fee.
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I am Going To show way of earn money online which is real or fact so before know about who can earn money online first you know which person has ability to more spread knowledge and learn to other person or which one has more knowledge the you can earn money online, rockmoney, computer trick.
Super Idea and best site for earn money
1. BLOG:- More people think about blogger and blogger is also easy maximum people start blogging but 70% people has failed in blogger because his blog has not rank on Google so basically more people leave blogging but 30% people what are thinking which is successful in blog now I am feeling you that not leave blogging be carefully listen 1 years time spent based on Google policy those people failure which is don't know about Google policy, SEO, traffic, how to gain traffic on blog so come to the point you start the blogging and spent only daily 2 hour in your hole time.
Proper way to blogging:- What is your knowledge if you are electrician, web designer, android developer, plumber, cook, everything which is you know and learn to other person.
Such as proper way to suppose you are android developer so you can start blogging and write about only one topic daily such as "how to make web to android app" so you will post this topic and leave after tomorrow again you post another topic maximum 1 year spent step by step you becomes successful blogger.
2. YOUTUBE:- If you want to youtuber and you thinking about video ranking, subscriber increase it's not matter bro you don't think about views, like, subscribe just you think what I will show on youtube and how?
"Jis din ye soch liya na bhai ki youtube pe kya dikhau, kaise dikhau us din mujhe yaad karna"
If you are making videos in proper way when youtube automatically will gain your channel,
Proper way to make videos:- First You can make thumbnail based on your topic which one is you want to show on youtube, second according to thumbnail make videos not a thumbnail is another topic and videos is another topic so make video from HD quality and best video, after title, description, and tag it's most important after making this thing you can publish your video on youtube but listen daily 2-3 videos post after 6 months your channel will start gain your requirements like, views, subscribe.
3. FACEBBOOK:- Facebook is also like youtube first go to Facebook Business Creator Studio and log-in from your page here most if you don't have page so first make the page after log-in to business account after log-in you which video make for youtube that video you post on facebook you can start earn money.
4. AFFILIATION:- Here many site of afflicted programme but I will say always use ecommerce site like Amazon affiate, flipkart affiliate these two site is very popular in the world and give more commision first you have to create account at Amazon affiliate site and log-in after you create product link copy and paste in your blogger site here 10 point I will show these points is connected each one to another you can not only one point you can start blogging so I will say all point will be work so basically all thing is coonected each other, you can copy the link and paste on your blog after posting the page when anybody buy any product than amzon will pay you your commission.
5. ANDROID APP:- If you are android developer than make an android app make simple app like web to app, image viewer, video Player, etc. After making the app you will be buy Google play console service which is in 25$ after payments you can publish your app on Google play console and during make the app you will be add adsense admob account needs for showing ads you will search on Google "adsense" create your account from your blogger after create the adsense account after you can left sidebar option "Admob" you also create the admob account and create ad unit but after publish your app so publish your app on Google play console.
6. FREELANCER:- You can earn money from freelancer if you know data entry, web designing, web developer, android developer, any clasess like developer class so on so, than post your skills at freelancing and you won the chanse to win project so you will earn money.
7. FIVER:- Fiver is also like freelancer so know how to post skill firsh here only can join those people which one has data entry skills.
8. OWN ONLINE BUSINESS:- If you are setup your business only online service like, home servise, home delivery, home cleaning, etc than you can earn money from this platform and you don't finance for setup this business then take loan and than open I will sure that many people work like that business, home servise repaire home appliance, or large appliance like TV, fan, ac, cooler, refregrator, bike, car, massage, cleaning everything.
9. SELLER:- If you are open a shop of any like electronic, plumbing, garments, shoes sleeper, cosmetics etc than you will be start online seller which one is the best selling platform than two Amazon, flipkart go to seller Amazon and create account after you sale your item on amazone you can earn more money
10. PROVIDE SERVICE:- Here service proved means online home tution like only computer class, basic computer, c++, Java, HTML, php, etc and keep minimum amounts of your fee.
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