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Operating System Basic Introduction

Introduction   All computers need basic software known as an Operating System (OS) to function. The OS acts as interface between the user, application programs, hardware, and system peripherals show on below The operating System is the first software to be loaded when a computer boots up. Application programs are loaded after the Operating System. Users interact with the computer and software through the OS. The OS interprets input given by a user through a keyboard, mouse, or other input device and takes appropriate action.  Operating system can be of two types:- Network operating system (NOS)  and simple stand alone desktop O. S I.e Client O. S for example :-  Only PC loaded with NOS can act as server. PC loaded with NOS or Client OS can act as client.  Microsoft Operating System  DOS version The Combination of Microsoft DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.1x was the most popular operating system until 1995. In 1995, Microsoft releases Window 95, Which was then upgraded to Window 98.