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photography studio

Hi, Hope all is well. I am reaching you to check if you have photo shooting needs for your products. Our product photography studio is specially designed and outfitted with professional cameras, lighting, reflectors, diffusers, soft boxes, props, and all the tools needed to allow our team to take the product photos. When our ecommerce photography studio is combined with the experience and passion of our product photographers, and post production team we have everything needed to make your product looks good. Our studio utilizes the latest in photographic and digital technology. Our fully streamlined process allows us to produce a high quality product in a streamlined process, which in turn allows us to pass on the savings to you. Our post production editing process is state of the art. We use professional-grade displays and calibrate our monitors regularly using the very latest in advanced color calibration tools. Our photo studio is setup to provide highly

smart phone beamer

Hi, I Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I am contacting you to let you know that our new beamer arrived in our stock today. Ready to ship today. Specification: Native Resolution: Native 1920x1080P Brightness: 7000 Lumens Contrast ratio: 4000:1 The native 1920x1080p support HD beamer is perfect for watching movie and playing video games. With powerful 7000 Lumens brightness, the HD projector produces sharp image. The Projector is equipped with upgraded LCD and 7000 lumens to deliver premium picture and more expansive colour for a cinematic viewing experience. Use wifi wireless sync display your phone screen to big projector screen, you can play games, watch movies. Pricing for different quantity, including shipping. 1-10 pieces 389.90 per unit 10-100 pieces 359.90 per unit 100-1000 pieces 339.90 per unit If you would like to order it. Just respond to our email with your delivery address, we will ready the shipment. If you would like to order it. Just respond to our email

How to Use UX Research to Enhance Your Conversion Strategy: Expert opinion

VWO Masters of Conversion series Hi MD, If you're someone who takes decisions around website optimization based solely on quantitative visitor data, we've got news for you. Unless you understand the 'why' of visitor engagement, the 'how' is not likely to do much for you. To help you solve this problem, we've got Shannon Kelly, a member of the UXPA Cleveland board, and responsible for UX strategy, design, iteration, and optimization at OverDrive , for our upcoming webinar. In this #MastersOfConversion session, Shannon will tell you how you can use qualitative UX research alongside your quantitative data to help drive conversion rate optimization strategies. You'll learn: Why quantitative data isn't enough Instances where utilizing qualitative data can drive strategy Real-world examples where user experience research helped increase conversion rates Date & Time: 24th February 2021 | 11:00 AM EST REGISTER N

Ecommerce Optimization - Secrets from Trinity

Real-life test examples to help you set your winning strategy in 2021 Hey MD, Your experimentation program is like the jigsaw puzzle where every missing piece is crucial for achieving the desired output. To help you get every component right in your program, and identify the right tests to execute, we've invited Craig Smith, CEO at Trinity Insight , for a LIVE webinar on 17th February (Wednesday) at 11 AM EST . Trinity has been optimizing eCommerce businesses since 2006. Craig will present design examples and data drawn from some of the most impactful tests conducted at Trinity. Craig will share his thoughts on: Which UX changes should you make to reap conversions? How can you overcome user hesitation and friction within web sessions? How can you gain insights on where and what to change within your website? REGISTER NOW Cheers, Shanaz Khan Marketing Manager, VWO VWO (A Wingify product) 1104, 11th Floor, KLJ Tower North

Fail faster

Hi MD, Failure hurts. Nobody likes to prioritize failing. That is why we make plans and write extensive roadmaps to ensure our efforts result in wins. Yet in a world that's increasingly spinning out of control, failure should be seen as the default outcome . Anyone who's competing in a mature market knows that winning is hard and rare. If your competitors are smart, well funded and are willing to work as hard as you, how do you win? Well, the basic business theory suggests that you win by having a competitive advantage over others. You do things your competitors are not doing. But most competitive advantages wither away with time. They become common knowledge and hence erode with time. So, the question you should be asking is: what competitive advantage is not commonly known and exploited yet? I think the answer to that question involves failure. Most organizations are risk averse and do not like failure. And that is what you can convert into an